Tom Brady, like many celebrities, got to their level of status through word-of-mouth via fans, networks, pundits and others. The sea of those talking about the quarterback chaotically turn on a dime if a certain idea catches fire. After his divorce with Gisele Bundchen, fans speculated and whispered rumors about how the quarterback was doing without her and who he was now with.
At one point, rumors bubbled about gymnast Olivia Dunne and the retired quarterback sharing a relationship. The idea was quickly slammed by anyone who knew of the age difference. Dunne is 20 years old and Brady will be 46 in August. That said, the rumors appear to be unfounded and much of the public is rejecting those still talking about the relationship, including on TikTok.

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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"That interview was about her experience with anxiety and mental health," the commenter said.The clip is undoubtedly of Bundchen crying, but the interview appears to be completely taken out of context, with no mention of Dunne or even a woman. Here's what she said in the TikTok clip:
"I was trapped and I couldn't breathe even outside of my own balcony. So I feel that I wanted to share that to show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And from that moment on, you know, I realized that my life needed to change."It appears that those pushing the narrative are either desperate for content or hoping to go viral via easy clicks.
What is Tom Brady doing now?
The retired quarterback has stepped away from football and with training camp less than a month away, there is no indication that he is making a return. That said, he has made two big commitments to the sport. The first, which was set up last offseason, was a deal made with FOX to provide commentary on games for 10 years, starting in the 2024 season.
This offseason, No. 12 purchased a minority chunk of the Las Vegas Raiders, so now, in retirement, the quarterback has gone from one football job to two. Some have speculated that having ownership in a team that one is commentating on could create a conflict of interest, which could bring about No. 12's downfall with at least one of the positions.
Of course, just like in offseasons during his career, prognosticators are also people who wait and one can only patiently watch as the 2024 season ticks closer.
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