As of Walk 17, 2023, Zachariah Anderson is under preliminary for the May 17, 2020, vanishing of Rosalio Gutierrez. As per Law&Crime, investigators have blamed Anderson for killing Gutierrez after the casualty started a relationship with Anderson’s ex, Sadie Beacham.
While Gutierrez’s body was rarely recuperated, examiners expressed that they found a copy pit on Anderson’s property, where they found remainders of what gave off an impression of being Gutierrez’s clothing.
Investigators accept that Anderson might have designated Gutierrez due to jealosy. Alongside the actual proof against Zachariah Anderson, his now 14-year-old girl has likewise affirmed that the suspect kept an eye on the casualty for a supported period before the vanishing.
Authorities expressed that in the repercussions of Gutierrez’s vanishing, Anderson was promptly distinguished as an individual of interest, as he had been blamed for following the person in question and Sadie Beacham. On May 19, 2020, specialists tracked down an enormous consumed fix of land on Anderson’s property.
On May 20, 2020, examiners used body canines to assess the consume pit. They found what gave off an impression of being a detergent jug, as well as garments that looked like what Gutierrez had worn before his vanishing. Specialists likewise found a subsequent consume pit on Anderson’s family ranch, where they additionally tracked down leftovers of dress. The garments included socks, clothing and fastens from Levi pants.
Imagine being a grown "man" and choosing to drag an innocent 11-year old child into a plan to stalk her own mother and destroy another human being.
TRASH.#ZachariahAnderson pic.twitter.com/KDxbSovFOh
— Jamz (@Jamzsmada) March 15, 2023
After looking through Zachariah Anderson’s minivan, specialists found hints of dye, as well as blood tests that matched Gutierrez’s DNA. Portions of the scaled down van’s floor covering had likewise been eliminated. This drove them to hold serious areas of strength for onto against Anderson, as significant measures of blood were likewise found in Gutierrez’s condo after he vanished. During her declaration, Anderson’s 11-year-old little girl said that when she last saw the minivan before the casualty’s vanishing, the indications of dye were absent.
Anderson’s fellow prisoner, Marquan Washington, affirmed that the suspect had demonstrated that he made the body vanish. “(Zachariah Anderson) let me know they called him Houdini due to his case, and he fundamentally made a body vanish.” Anderson has argued not liable to the murder accusations.