LFY is an abbreviation that stands for Rank Abbreviation Meaning **** LFY Love Finds You
*** Label Free Youth (LFY) is an acronym that stands for Label Free Youth.
*** LFY (Learn For Yourself) = Learn For Yourself
The last financial year is abbreviated as LFY.
Similarly, what does Lfy stand for?
The previous fiscal year
Following that, the issue becomes, what does Lfy signify on Snapchat?
LFY stands for Lust for Youth. Lust for Youth is a strong desire for youth.
What does the term “ify” in texting imply in this context?
I understand what you’re going through.
What does the texting abbreviation lyt mean?
I’m in love with you as well.
What does the slang term “iffy” mean?
IFFY is an abbreviation for “dubious, untrustworthy.” So now that you know what IFFY stands for – “dubious, untrustworthy” – please don’t thank us. YW! What does the abbreviation IFFY stand for? This page contains an explanation of the acronym, abbreviation, or slang term IFFY. It is also possible to see the meaning of IFFY in the section below.
What exactly does the term “Lyg” signify in texting?
Increased number of years of life
What is the most recent fiscal year that you are aware of?
The most recent fiscal year end is December 31, 2012, for example. The most recent fiscal year end is January 31, 2013, which is the most recent fiscal year end. The date of the Company’s most recent fiscal year, which concluded on December 31, 2004, is referred to as the “Most Recent Fiscal Year End.” The fiscal year that concluded on December 31, 2006 is referred to as the most recent fiscal year finish.
What does the texting abbreviation LFFY stand for?
Fry quickly and eat quickly. Miscellaneous » Miscellaneous Unclassified. LFFY, Etrepagny, S-France. Give it a rating:
What exactly does the name Iykyk mean?
If You Know What You’re Talking About
What does the abbreviation LDK imply in text?
I really don’t know. I’m not sure how often I don’t know is used in Acronym Slang Internet. I don’t know is an acronym, slang term, and internet phrase that stands for I don’t know.
What exactly is FIY stand for?
You can do it yourself.
What exactly is OFY stand for?
So now that you know what OFY stands for – “Oh F*** Yeah” – please do not thank us. YW! What exactly is OFY stand for? In the section above, where the OFY meaning is provided, you will find an explanation as to what OFY is as well as other slang terms related to OFY.
Is the term ify a real word?
verbal suffix that appears in loanwords from Latin with the meanings “to create, cause to be, give” (clarify; purify); and, more generally, “to become, be made” (become, become formed) (liquefy). Compare the suffix -ify.
What exactly does the term Confuzzled mean?
Confuzzled. Suggestion for a new word. Having difficulty understanding and reasoning about a certain issue or circumstance. bewildered and baffled are two words that come to mind. The following was submitted by tomdjbaptist on December 9, 2012.