The house was reportedly full of smoke when relatives first arrived at the scene, which investigators believed to be the result of a recently-set wood fire in the fireplace. Upon further investigation, the fireplace flue was found to be closed and carbon monoxide emissions were rampant through the house, according to a message "Weird Al" himself posted to his website.
"Needless to say, I feel pretty much the way you would expect me to feel — shocked and devastated beyond words," the musician wrote in 2004. "I loved my parents so much, and this all still seems like a horrible nightmare that I can't wake up from."
Per Wired, the son received the awful news between shows on tour. Rather than cancelling shows, however, he performed that night in Appleton, Wisconsin, and continued his tour for a string of nearly 70 tour dates. "It wound up being a good thing for me to continue working through it," Yankovic told Wired. "Because if I didn't have anything to distract me, I probably would have spiraled into an even deeper depression. For a couple of hours each night, I could go onstage and put on a big fake smile and pretend like everything was just OK."