Scandal's Jake Ballard Is Definitely Not Dead: Watch the Video Recap

Breaking news: Jake Ballard is alive and well! Er, make that well-ish. Despite being stabbed by Livs boyfriend during last weeks Scandal, Scott Foleys super spy experienced a zombie-like resurrection in First Lady Sings the Blues. Jakes return was one of many surprises, so check out Us Weeklys video countdown of the biggest moments from

Breaking news: Jake Ballard is alive and well! Er, make that well-ish. Despite being stabbed by Liv’s boyfriend during last week’s Scandal, Scott Foley‘s super spy experienced a zombie-like resurrection in “First Lady Sings the Blues.” Jake’s return was one of many surprises, so check out Us Weekly‘s video countdown of the biggest moments from this week’s episode! Also, feel free to channel Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) and drink your emotions in the form of wine.

1. He’s Baaa-aack!

Jake Ballard is alive — but he’s hanging on by a thread! Despite Scott Foley tweeting what seemed like a goodbye to Scandal fans, Jake was resuscitated by Huck (Guillermo Díaz) after Quinn (Katie Lowes) found his body. Talk about an emotional roller coaster! What are you trying to do to us, Shonda?

2. Jake Came Face to Face with Russell

In an effort to get Olivia’s attention, Rowan Pope (Joe Morton) shot Jake’s attempted murderer, Russell (Brian White), in the arm — and the injured paramour ended up in bed next to Jake. Naturally, Russell tried to finish what he started, causing Jake to writhe around all over the place and almost die again. Basically, we had a B613 bro-off on our hands.

3. Papa Pope Went On An Insane Murder Spree, As Ya Do

Sigh, Olivia — don’t you know not to mess with Papa Pope? For a hot second, this fixer thought it would be a good idea to put a hit on her father, but Rowan turned the tables and killed everyone involved in the plan — including a couple of kids and an old lady! It was truly horrifying, and proves just how far Daddy Dearest is willing to go to save himself.

4. Cyrus Morphed Into The World’s Best Feminist

Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) is making Beyonce proud! The White House’s resident grump defended Mellie Fitz’s (Bellamy Young) senate run on the basis of feminism during a TV appearance, and it was ahhh-mazing. Watch the video and listen to Cy say “It’s sexism of the purest and ugliest form” on repeat.

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5. Olivia Handled Russell

Thought Russell would get a free pass from Olivia? Not so much. After tricking her man into stripping down for a night of passion, Liv put a gun to his head and demanded to know about Papa Pope’s mysterious new mission (aka Foxtail). In other words: The situation was handled.

Scandal airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.

